You must be at least 21 years old to go. The typical age range is 21-35, but we welcome anyone who is above 35yrs old as well.
Included in the cost of the trip are all the flights, food, lodging, and other means of transportation throughout the entirety of the trip. It also covers all training, administration, the preday/night in NYC before the trip begins. What is not covered is your travel medical insurance plan.
Very safe. With any trip, there’s the chance that something could go wrong or someone could get hurt. However, as far as the cities we visit, they are all comparative to a large city in the USA.
The application process is simple and free. At the end of each Tour you’ll find a link that says, “apply”. There you will find a questioner. Fill out the questionnaire and send it back to us. We review each application, check out references and pray over each one. We will let you know within 7 days of receiving the application if you’ve been accepted.
Although at this moment there are none, we are working with to get articulation agreements with several universities in the state. When they are finalized, we will be making the big announcement.
You are officially on The Tour when your application is approved and your initial approval deposit of $500 is paid.
Yes. Although started in Dallas, TX, Ignite Europe (the parent ministry to The Hope Tour) is now based out of Zurich, Switzerland. We would need to look at each applicant on a one-on-one basis to make sure all countries are acceptable with their passport.
The trip is relatively self explanatory. However, we do have a half-day briefing on the trip the day before in NYC. All trips begin with this introduction in NYC before the actually tour begins.